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Erkundigen Sie sich an einem einzigen Ort über sämtliche Nachrichten und Neuigkeiten der Mitglieder von Ibiza Health & Beauty. Der einfachste Weg, um über alles auf dem Laufenden zu sein, was in der Gesundheits- und Wellnessbranche auf Ibiza passiert. Die Lieblingsleseecke für alle, die sich für die Pflege von Körper und Geist auf dieser wunderschönen Insel begeistern.

| Ibiza Health & Beauty | Aktualität

Ibiza Wellness Weekend brings together thousands of participants in Ibiza

After its third consecutive edition, the Ibiza Wellness Weekend is confirmed as an essential event for those seeking to enjoy wellness in all its versions. Once again this year, the island has hosted this solidarity event developed by great talents in the education of healthy habits, combining them with outdoor sports activities and tours of cultural spaces. Between all the weekend's activities, half a thousand people attended in person and t...
| Fomento | Aktualität

Physiotherapy using the latest technology

Clínica Vila Parc incorporates the diamagnetic pump to accelerate the recovery processes of its patients. Its operation is based on the use of high intensity magnetic fields to activate cellular mechanisms. Diamagnetotherapy is a non-invasive therapeutic method based on the use of high-inte...


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Fomento del Turismo de la Isla de Ibiza 2021

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